In recent years, technology has reached incredible heights. Traditional personalization
methods used by brands are no longer enough! Personalized SMS messages with our
names don’t grab our attention anymore. And this is exactly where hyper-
personalization steps in!
So, what exactly is hyper-personalization? Simply put, it’s a fresh approach that helps
brands understand not only who their customers are but also what they like, what they
need, and even when they like it! While it may sound a bit intimidating, it has already
become a part of our daily lives.
Hyper-personalization is made possible through big data, artificial intelligence, and
real-time analytics. By analyzing users’ behaviors on websites or apps, their search
histories, and shopping habits, brands can offer tailored experiences. For instance:
suggesting an energizing smoothie to someone who works out in the morning,
displaying products perfectly aligned with previous purchases during online shopping,
or recommending specific hotels or tours based on past travel destinations.
In short, brands now focus not just on what you buy but also on when and why you buy
Thanks to hyper-personalization, customers are promised unique experiences. Brands
are no longer just selling products; they are building deep, meaningful connections with
their customers. And through these connections, they gain highly loyal audiences.